Can you export X7 scan data to Autodesk's 3ds Max format

Can you export Trimble X7 scan data to Autodesk’s 3ds Max?
Attached is the Drawing List Format.

Sorry the question may not be relevant but if anyone knows or has a scanner would you be able check for me please?
Many thanks

Drawing Format list

I’ve got the answer my own question but from another site. I would like to share with you as you may find it usefull.

The Geospatial Support Manager says:
Trimble Perspective is the field software that is used with the Trimble X7. It can export point cloud data in the following non-Trimble formats: E57, PTX, RCP, LAS, POD.

Realworks is Trimble’s premium processing & analysis software - it can export to FBX format. That would be the best option for going from Trimble office SW to 3ds Max.

If you don’t have Realworks you will need to have some other SW and use one of the supported formats from Trimble Perspective, then Export from that SW.

Geospatial Support Manager