Here is a video I did a while back on the Copy and Paste functionality of Corridor Template Editor that covers how you can create a Master Template Project that has Templates that you can copy and paste from into your current working project - this allows you to copy complete or partial instruction lists for most types of instructions to shortcut the template creation process. You can Copy and Paste within one project or between projects. This is great for Subdivision Roads, Curb and Gutter Sections, Barrier or other reusable elements.
Remember that things like Tables, Conditions, Side Slopes are dependent on other objects and commands that reference 2D lines also are using other objects - so the template elements you copy cannot have
- Tables
- Reference 2D lines
- Reference elements that are not in the current working project
so keep your copy templates simple and generic and then adjust them as needed when you have pasted them into the working project.
Also remember that the first instruction should always be setup to reference Previous which on line 1 will be the HAL for the corridor model. Do not reference a specific node because it is likely that that specific node does not exist in the current working project.
Video shows you how