Edit Alignment as Spreadsheet Command

D_EditAlignmentAsSpreadsheet_600ppi   Edit Alignment as Spreadsheet

Command Licensing and Default Menu Location

  • The Edit Alignment as Spreadsheet command is part of the RPS Modeling Toolbox
  • The command is located on the Modeling macros menu ribbon
  • The command is located in the Corridor menu group

Command Description

Capture alignment details in a spreadsheet and then import it into Trimble Business Center using this command. Command also allows the user to open an imported or hand entered alignment in a spreadsheet for checking and analysis.

*** ## Command Interface Description

The Edit Alignment as Spreadsheet command dialog looks as follows

Select the Alignment that you wish to create or edit as a spreadsheet from the pull down list or select New on the list to create a New alignment. Note that if you intend to enter the alignment as a PI Based Alignment, then you need to check the Inscribe curves at PIs radio button on creating the alignment.

IN TBC you can enter alignments using segment geometry information or PI (Point of Intersection) information. The alignment stores the information in different ways depending on which method you pick. The two are not interchangeable, once you have picked the method, that is how the alignment needs to be entered.

If you make a data entry error or you enter a PI alignment for a Geometry type alignment or vice versa, you will see an error like this presented when you try to save the alignment.


Show station equation zone checkbox:
This will create a spreadsheet tab for Station Equation zones where you can enter Ahead and Back station values for the Station Equations for an alignment.

Spreadsheet Structure Notes

Within the Spreadsheet interface you have tabs for Horizontal and Vertical Alignment

Horizontal Alignment Data Structure

  • Line 1 = POB Station e.g. 0.00 in cell A1
  • Line 2 = POB coordinates N in Cell A2 and E in cell B2
  • Lines 3+ = Line, Arc or Spiral segments

Line Segments

  • Enter Bearing for Line in Cell A (? for Tangent or undefined)
  • Enter Length for line in Cell B

Arc Segments

  • Enter Bearing for Arc in Cell A (? for Tangent or undefined)
  • Enter Length for Arc in Cell B
  • Enter Radius for Arc in Cell C

Spiral Segments

  • Enter Bearing for Spiral in Cell A (? for Tangent or undefined)
  • Enter Length for Spiral in Cell B
  • Blank in Cell C
  • Enter Radius Start for Spiral in Cell D
  • Enter Radius End for Spiral in Cell E

Here is an example of a simple horizontal alignment

Note the spreadsheet values will change if the alignment was keyed into TBC using the PI based method. In that case the same alignment would look as follows, this time with a Spiral - Arc - Spiral at the PI point

Vertical Alignment Data Structure

To start entering a vertical alignment click the New button, enter a name and select Vertical Alignment followed by OK, This will create a new tab for the Vertical Alignment information. If for any reason you forget to enter a name for the vertical alignment, you can simply click on the tab name for the spreadsheet and enter a name there to update its name.

  • Line 1 = POB Station e.g. 0.00 in cell A1 and Elevation in Cell B1
  • Lines 2+ = Symmetrical Curve, Asymmetrical Curve, Vertical Arc or Grade Breaks

Symmetrical Curves

  • VPI Station in Cell A
  • Elevation in Cell B
  • Curve Length in Cell C

Asymmetrical Curves

  • VPI Station in Cell A
  • Elevation in Cell B
  • Approach Curve Length in Cell C
  • Departure Curve Length in Cell D

Vertical Arcs

  • VPI Station in Cell A
  • Elevation in Cell B
  • Radius in Cell ??

Here is an example of a simple vertical alignment

Slope Table Data Structure

When you tap the New button you can elect to add a new Vertical Alignment or a New Slope Table for the alignment. The Slope Table is stored as a Shareable Slope Table on the alignment that you are editing. The format for the Slope Table is as follows

  • Station in Cell A
  • Slope in Cell B
  • Vertical Curve Length in Cell C

You can see the result of the Slope table by looking at the Superelevation diagram for the alignment. You can enter any number of Slope Tables using this approach. If for any reason you forget to enter the name for the slope table, you can rename the tab in the spreadsheet editor to add a name after the fact.

Here is an example of a simple slope table entry

Example Master Format Data Sheet
Master Alignment Editor Format Sheet.xlsx (11.8 KB)

Executes the command and closes on completion

Closes the command without further execution.

Video Demonstration

The following video shows how to utilize the Edit Alignment as Spreadsheet command

Use Case Videos

The following videos show the use of the Edit Alignment as Spreadsheet command in a work process context

Feedback and Enhancement Requests

If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the Edit Alignment as Spreadsheet command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please Click Here

There is a current limit on the length of the alignments name - we have found a traceback error if the alignment name exceeds the limit of 31 characters.

If you see the error, shorten the alignment name, there will be a fix for this traceback error shortly