How To Publish a Cut Fill Map to Google Earth?

In this post we will cover how to publish a Cut Fill Map to Google Earth from TBC.

Work In Progress


I just discovered exporting the cut/fill label grids. Which should be just as good as the red/blue shade. Now if the color of the labels was able to be exported. As when the lables are exported they are changed to grey color.

Currently I use the “Capture Image” command. I save as a png so it is transparent. It automatically creates a kmz file.

This is a bug inside TBC where if you have plotboxes overlap each other. The images in Google Earth get shifted. I have some plotboxes that overlapped and Google Earth shifted those images. Bit of a pain doing a plot for each box.

The problem is that the earth is round Frank - rectangles and spheres don’t match up unfortunately - the corners of boxes drawn NS EW in TBC do not create a seamless set of images in Google Earth as a result because GE works in WGS84 spherical coords and TBC works in a projection (State Plane) and while individual point locations or lines can be approximated to the WGS system they will never match perfectly.


Will just have to do multiple plot boxes and then a single one for Google Earth. There are times when we are asked to make a Cut/Fill map to upload into HCSS. Which multiple sheets is okay for this and then I can hand out the KMZ with one single Cut/Fill map…

Hello this may be an old topic, but for anyone wondering if you use “capture Image” and then save as PNG. You can then go open it into google earth and right click on the file name (KMZ that is check marked) and click on “save place as” you then can send that KMZ to others that are in the field, I did this mainly so you can open the file on your phone rather then a laptop or desktop. Hope this helps.

I export the cut/fill label to Google Earth. which TBC allows the labels to be exported. not the surface which personally would rather see a number than colors. what I do is export to GE, save the XML and them import that XML into a website called “my maps” which is part of Google Maps. this allows me to have a link to that map and share the link on our HCSS projects. using this link and having the Google Map app allows you to walk using your GPS location and seeing the cut or fill as you walk and read the label. still missing with the text size and the text spzcing

Yes I believe somewhat of the same idea although I do prefer the colors as a quick visual reference, the only thing that I would like to try is adding contours to the KMZ

one set back on capture image. you will need to have your Coord System setup or bring in an image into TBC. if, i do capture image in TBC. i will open a new TBC and import the items i need from the other project. Then set my coordinate system and adjust my local site to match my project with the background map.