Quick Line Command

D_QuickLine_600ppi   Quick Line

Command Licensing and Default Menu Location

  • The Quick Line command is part of the RPS Data Prep Toolbox
  • The command is located on the Data Prep macros menu ribbon
  • The command is located in the Create / Edit menu group

Command Description

Create 3D linestrings quickly without the overhead of the Linestring Editor.

Latest Updates

August 12th 2022
The Quick Line command was updated to include the following improvements

  1. The elevation of a snapped 3D line is now shown and made available for acceptance - before it was not displayed. This makes the 3D snapping more intuitive to use.
  2. When you have Plan and 3D views open at the same time in tiled form, you can now draw in either window snapping to 3D lines or 2D lines as needed. Before the command would appear to lose focus when you moved from one window to the other.

Command Interface Description

The Quick Line command dialog looks as follows

Enter the name of the linestring that you are about to create

Select the layer from the layer list pull down on which to place the linestring or create a new layer if necessary.

Click locations where you want nodes for the linestring to be.

Enter an elevation for the node that you are creating. Click the arrow on the right hand side of the field if you wish to skip entry of elevations for each node. If you want to be prompted for the elevation on each node creation, click to deactivate the “sticky button”.

Click New to create a new line, creating a gap to the last node of the previous line. Enter the name for the new line and continue clicking node locations.

When you tap apply, if the name field is currently highlighted, the name will be confirmed and you can start drawing the new line.

Closes the command without further execution.

Video Demonstration

The following video shows how to utilize the Quick Line command

Use Case Videos

The following videos show the use of the Quick Line command in a work process context

Feedback and Enhancement Requests

If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the Quick Line command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please Click Here