Command Licensing and Default Menu Location
- The Relayer command is part of the RPS Data Prep Toolbox
- The command is located on the Data Prep macros menu ribbon
- The command is located in the Layers menu group
Command Description
The RPS Relayer command provides increased productivity when relayering CAD objects to a number of different layers. The user can establish any number of target layers and then simply select the objects to relayer, tag the layer that they want to move them to and Apply to execute. The fact that you can relayer to multiple layers quickly and easily can take significant time out of data prep processes.
Command Interface Description
The Relayer command dialog looks as follows
Select objects:
Select the objects that you want to relayer. You may want to use View Filter controls to limit what you are selecting from graphically. You can select objects in any graphics view including Sheet View. It is also helpful to have the Target Layers turned off, so that when you have relayered the selected objects they disappear from view, making it easy to see the remaining data which in turn makes it easier to make the next round of data selection.
Layer List
Add layer to list:
From the list of layers, make a selection of one or more target layers that you wish to have available for this rapid relayering process. Each layer that you select will be added to the Target Layers list below. The Layer Name and the Layer Group are shown in two columns. You can e.g. sort the list by Layer Name or by Group Name by clicking in the column header.
Add all layers in the associated layer group checkbox:
If you check this checkbox, then when you select a layer from the pull down layer list, the command determines which layer group the layer belongs to and adds all of the layers in that layer group to the target layers list below.
Now that you have your target layer list created, select the objects that you wish to relayer, then click the layer that you want to place the selected objects on, and then click Apply to relayer the objects. You can now repeat this for different selections, and target each selection you make to the appropriate target layer.
If you double click the layer name in the Target Layer list, it will act the same as the Apply button.
If you wish to remove a single layer from the target layer list, double click the red X in the row that you want to delete. You can also select the row and then press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove the layer from the list.
Clear layer list:
If you wish to clear all the layers listed in the target layer list so you can make a fresh selection of layers, click the Clear layer list button.
Clear selection on Apply checkbox:
Typically have this checkbox checked. That way when you tap apply, the current selection is cleared ready for the next select and relayer process. If you do not check this checkbox, then after you tap Apply, the selected data remains selected and you can execute a different process on that data using e.g. the Properties Pane etc.
When you tap apply, the selected data will be relayered to the target layer and the command will ready itself for another selection set and repeat process execution. If you do not want to make a second selection and repeat the process tap Close to finish the process.
Closes the command without further execution.
Video Demonstration
The following video shows how to utilize the Relayer command
Update - December 2020
The Relayer command was updated to have the Clear Layer List control and the ability to add all layers from a selected layers Layer Group to the target layer list. These changes make it even faster to clear or create a new target layer list.
*** ## Use Case Videos The following videos show the use of the Relayer command in a work process context
Feedback and Enhancement Requests
If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the Relayer command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please Click Here