Rockpile Command Library v5.80 Release Notes

RPS Command Library v5.80 Releases Today

Dec 7th 2022

We are pleased to announce the release of the RPS Command Library version 5.80 for Trimble Business Center. While the version number reflects that this release correlates to TBC v5.80 it doesn’t mean that it is only compatible with TBC v5.80. This release is backwards compatible to the Patch Versions of TBC v5.30.3., v5.40.1 and v5.50.2 as well as with TBC v5.60.X, v5.70.X and v5.80.X.

This release contains the new Text Style Manager command, our new Pile Plan Tools for Solar Farm Projects as well as a host of command updates and improvements as listed below.

In addition we have now added a 3 Day Cruise Through / Off Line Mode that should finally rectify the issues associated with Trimble ID dropping at the same time as giving you the ability to go dark for up to 3 days from the last use of a Rockpile Command allowing you to work with no or spotty Internet connections, no Trimble ID.

New Commands

D_CorridorAsBuiltReport_600ppi Corridor As Built Command

Toolbox: Modeling Toolbox
The corridor As Built Report allows you to run a report that compares measured point data to an alignment and surface with or without a vertical adjustment where the delta elevations can be assigned In, Near or out of tolerance parameters that drive color coding of the values in the report. The point data is sorted out into station groups based on a Station tolerance and then sorted from Left to Right across the alignment. The report lists Station in the first column and Codes of points in the first row, and then all intersection cells contain the delta elevation and color coding to indicate In / Out of tolerance.

D_TextStyles_600ppi Text Style Manager Command

Toolbox Menu: Tool Shed
Manages Text Styles providing the ability to define a Stroked Font (good for CAD Speed) and a True Type Font (higher quality drawing presentation) on each text style, allowing you to swap between Stroked and True Types whenever you want to. The Stroke Font width, oblique angle and character weight can also be modified to more closely match the True Type font definition.

D_PileDefinitionManager_600ppi Pile Definition Manager Command

Toolbox Menu: Tool Shed
Provides ability to create user defined pile definitions for Solar Farm piling operations to be used with RPS piling command capabilities. Solar piles are color coded based on their length and steel cross section shape / weight definitions. The Pile Definition Manager sets up the definitions that are then used during the import of Design or As Built Pile data from spreadsheets.

D_ImportPilePlan_600ppi Import Pile Plans Command

Toolbox Menu: Tool Shed
Customizable importer for spreadsheet data for Solar Farm Pile Plans and Piles to automatically create Pile design, As Built and QA Survey data ready for machine control or QA analysis. Command creates Pile Plans for Solar Blocks, Design Pile Locations, As Built Pile Locations and QA Survey Points for analysis in minutes from spreadsheet source data, saving many hours of work on solar projects.

D_PileQAReport_600ppi Pile QA Report Command

Toolbox Menu: Tool Shed
Creates a multi tab excel report on all quality metrics for solar farm piling operations. Integrates pile designs with As Built Pile Results from machine data and as built survey information to analyze 6 quality metrics for every pile including Position, Twist, Dip / Inclination, Dip Orientation, Top Elevation, Minimum Embedment Depth. A Summary Tab provides an overview of the report results and an additional tab shows the In Tolerance / Near Tolerance / Out of Tolerance results for every pile analyzed.


Modify Ascii File Command

Toolbox Menu: Tool Shed
Utility command to modify the contents of an ASCII file (csv, pts, xyz, …) using formulas to alter columns of data e.g. to multiply, divide, add or subtract numerical values using math operators on each value of data.

Command Updates

Add Isopach Command

Improved some of the dialog terminology to make it more understandable. Re-organized the dialog for improved workflow and productivity. Provided an Apply button to allow the command to be run multiple times without closing and added context related commands to the command header bar for rapid access. Also added Tool Tips for improved understanding of key points while using the command.

Adjust Linestring Elevation Command

Added some “Undo” improvements to the command following on from the additions of Plane, Spot and Surface modes of elevation adjustment made recently

Best Fit Linestring Command

Added the RPS Layer Control into the command dialog and addressed some error checking issues

Create XLINES Command

Improved the dialog layout for increased usability

Convert to Linestring Command

We have improved the command to eliminate the defect where you had to run it 2x in order to eliminate UCS from TBC objects imported from CAD files. We also improved the UCS removal by adding full support for Leader Lines and Text Objects.

Earthworks Command

Added image resolution controls to the image management capability of the command providing a way of outputting lower resolution, smaller image files to RPS Earthworks System

Explode Lines Command

Provided the ability to add a numerical suffix to the name of the lines created during the explode process. The original line name is used as the root and a suffix e.g. - 001 is added to the name for each line created.

We also added the ability to apply a small trim distance to the “inbound segment” of line so that the end points of the exploded lines have a small gap between them if you don’t intend to extend the lines for slipform paving operations. This means that the lines are not read as a single continuous line by the Trimble Machine Control Systems.

Explode Solids Command

Minor bug fixes and improvements

Extend Lines Command

Minor bug fixes and improvements

Filter by Alignment

We have added the ability to make source line selections within the command to save remembering to do that prior to command execution. You can now make your selections in the command and use the Property Pane on the selected objects to relayer the selected objects or the Create Surface command to make a surface from the selected objects.

Offset Surface Command

We have added the ability to execute offsets to a surface multiple times in one command execution, have improved the flow of the dialog in use, and have added related commands that you may need while running the command to the command header bar for quick / easy access.

Optimize Linestrings Command

We have made some dialog layout changes to improve command usability and updated the default values for projects where the units are not in meters.

PDF Vectors on Demand

We have improved the way that the command works with US and International Feet settings of the project.

Point Details Report

We have improved the way that the RPS Settings folder was being addressed as well as made an improvement to the computation of elevation deltas between Points and a surface were being computed.

Point Cloud Processor Command

Fixed the issue related to new installations of TBC having a setting for Max Number of Points in a Point Cloud set to 500,000 but that value not being in the user Options settings.

Surface to Grid Command

Minor dialog improvements for usability

Surface to Points Command

Added a File name selector to the dialog with rockpile pathing logic to allow the point cloud file to be saved in the Project Folder or a folder of your choice directly, and to be given a user defined file name. Context related commands have been added to the command header bar for rapid access. Also added Tool Tips for improved understanding of key points while using the command. We have also added the ability to select one or more boundary lines to apply to the selected surface to reduce the area covered by the resulting point cloud.

TMLS Shipping Standard with TBC

The following TML commands are installed by the Trimble Business Center installation package as part of each TBC version release.

  • Add Isopach
  • Assign Name from Inside Text
  • Convert to Linestring
  • Edit Alignment as Spreadsheet
  • Offset Surface
  • Surface to Points

The commands are the original versions of the commands that do not have the Rockpile Custom Controls, Improvements, Bug Fixes, QA/Testing, Documentation, Video Documentation, that have been added by Rockpile Solutions over the past 3 years.

We have seen conflicts at each TBC update caused by the older non Rockpile versions of the commands being installed, triggering the need for a re-install of the Rockpile Command Library after each update of TBC that we want to eliminate going forwards for TBC / Rockpile users.

When Rockpile Solutions was formed, we agreed with Trimble to support the Trimble TML commands, to productize them and then maintain them as free commands for TBC users at our expense which we have done for 3 years. Because of the above clashes at each TBC release, to mitigate the cost of supporting this, we have created unique RPS versions of the commands in question, and they are now included in our licensed command library only (v5.80 of the Rockpile Command Library) going forwards.

The Rockpile Solutions commands have the Rockpile Custom Controls, the full documentation, video documentation and the QA, Testing and Support that we put into all of our commands; the commands will also be used on the RPS Menu ribbons and in the Rockpile Custom Menus that we develop and support.

The commands that ship standard with TBC are supported by Trimble as part of their product warranty, and they will not be included in the Rockpile Command Library Menus or the custom menus that we create and support.

The Trimble version of the commands will be updated by Trimble with TBC releases like all other commands in the program. They will no longer be updated by TMLStatus.

The Trimble commands will be available through the Command Pane and also through the standard TBC Menus that ship with the TBC Product like all other Trimble Business Center Commands.

Through these changes, we believe that we have addressed the command clash issues that have occurred at each new release of Trimble Business Center and that they will make the TBC / Rockpile User experience better and stronger as a result.

We are committed to continuing the development, support and maintenance of the other unlicensed TMLs while they are not shipped with the TBC product as standard TBC commands. If any additional TML commands are added to the TBC installation, we will treat those in the same manner as and when that may occur.

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