RPS Export XML Command

D_ExportRPSLandXML_600ppi RPS Export XML

Command Licensing and Default Menu Location

  • The RPS Export XML command is part of the RPS Tool Shed Toolbox
  • The command is located on the Tool Shed macros menu ribbon
  • The command is located in the Exports menu group

Command Description

Exports selected linestrings and alignments as 3D curvilinear alignments to LandXML format for use in Trimble Access and Leica stringless paver systems.

The command has been designed to work in combination with the Optimize Linestrings command that converts chorded horizontal and Vertical linestrings into 3D curvilinear lines that have been optimized for use on stringless pavers from Leica. You can also create the lead in and lead out extension lines using the RPS Extend Lines command prior to selecting here for export to XML format.

Note: The LandXML file created by this method is designed for compatibility with the LandXML schema and also the format expected by the Leica stringless paver systems. This format is different to the format created by the standard TBC LandXML exporter from the same data.

Note: The Leica Slipform Paver system requires that the alignments exported all start at Station 0

Note: The Leica Slipform Paver System requires that the lines that will be used as a pair (master alignment line (used for station and elevation control) and a secondary alignment (used for cross slope control) must be drawn in the same direction in order to be used together, they will fail to work otherwise

The format output has been tested with Leica ICON systems and we are currently validating with Leica MC1 systems.

One user has suggested that it is helpful to name the alignments clearly to make it easy for the paver crew to understand the alignment naming. They also manually convert the linestrings to alignments in TBC prior to outputting them so that they can name them and check the alignments in the alignment editor prior to exporting them to the Leica machine systems.

Command Interface Description

The RPS Export XML command dialog looks as follows

File name:
Enter the file name for the LandXML file to be created. If you right click in the file name field, you can select to Browse your computer folder system or open the Project data folder for the currently open TBC project. If you click the […] button that will open the Project data folder also.

Select objects to export:
Select the curvilinear lines that you wish to export to the LandXML file. If you wish to use the advanced selection options, click Options to Select by Layer, Select by Elevation, Advanced Select etc.

When you click Apply, the LandXML file is exported and the report is generated in the Reports section of the dialog. The command will ready itself for a second or subsequent selection set and execution. If you do not want to make a second selection and repeat the process tap Close to finish the process.

Closes the command without further execution.

Video Demonstration

The following video shows how to utilize the Export XML command

Use Case Videos

The following videos show the use of the Export XML command in a work process context

Feedback and Enhancement Requests

If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the Export XML command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please Click Reply below

Leica has three generations of Paver Control Systems - They were released in this order

MC80 - Original System
ICON - Middle Series
MC1 - Most Recent Series