Surface Intersection Linestring Command

D_SurfaceIntersectionLinestring_600ppi   Surface Intersection Linestring

Command Licensing and Default Menu Location

  • The Surface Intersection Linestring command is part of the RPS Modeling Toolbox
  • The command is located on the Modeling macros menu ribbon
  • The command is located in the Surface / Volumes menu group

Command Description

Creates a line along the zero cut/fill line between two selected surface models. The lines created are set to sharp and texture boundary and can be optionally included in either or both of the source surface models.

The command has been enhanced to fully support the use of Reference Surfaces introduced with TBC v5.60.

Command Interface Description

The Surface Intersection Linestring command dialog looks as follows

First Surface:
Select the first of two surfaces required for this command. Typically the first surface will be the Existing Ground surface model.

Second Surface:
Select the second of two surfaces required for this command. Typically the second surface will be the Finished Grade or Subgrade Adjusted Finished Grade surface model.

Select an optional boundary if you wish to constrain the are for which the computations are carried out

The computation first computes a difference model between the two surfaces in order to determine the areas of Cut and Fill for the project. Once the Cut and Fill or isopach model is determined, the command creates the “0 elevation contour” for the isopach model. The contour lines are then draped on the first surface to provide them with real elevation values. The lines created are set to have the Sharp and Texture boundary property. The lines are then optionally added to either or both of the source surfaces and the surfaces are then re-triangulated with the additional data.

The benefits of the Rockpile approach are that we take the additional steps to make the created lines instantly usable for downstream actions. We can for example apply null or real textures to either surface using the new lines to null out surface triangles or apply textures for rendering purposes.

Resulting Linestrings Section

Select the layer on which you wish to place the surface intersection linestrings. The created lines are set to ByLayer for Color, Linestyle and Lineweight.

Add to surface: First Surface Name Checkbox:
Check this checkbox if you wish to add the surface intersection linestrings to this surface. Note you cannot apply surface textures (null or otherwise) to a surface using these lines as a texture boundary unless they are added to the surface model.

Add to surface: Second Surface Name Checkbox:
Check this checkbox if you wish to add the surface intersection linestrings to this surface. Note you cannot apply surface textures (null or otherwise) to a surface using these lines as a texture boundary unless they are added to the surface model.

Note that if either or both surfaces are Reference Surfaces as introduced with TBC v5.60 the lines created by this command cannot be added to a reference surface and will be marked “Not Allowed” in the dialog. Reference Surfaces cannot have objects added to them. You could use RPS Copy to Clipboard and RPS Paste commands to copy the created lines into the Reference File project from which the reference surfaces are derived and then add the lines to the original surfaces and then save the updated Reference File and then refresh the reference file in the current project.

Enter the name you require for the surface intersection linestrings. Either enter straight text for the name or you can name them using the smart naming options. For example

  • {S1} for the First surface name
  • {S2} for the Second surface name
  • {#} for line numbers if you want each line element to have a unique line number
  • {#.NNN} for line numbers that start at NNN e.g. {#.10} starts at 10 and increments by 1
  • {#.NNN.I} for line numbers that start at NNN and increment by I e.g. #.10.2 would number 10, 12, 14 etc.

When you tap apply, the surface intersection linestrings will be computed and drawn and the surface models will be updated as requested. The command will ready itself for another selection set and repeat process execution. If you do not want to make a second selection and repeat the process tap Cancel to finish the process.

Executes the command and closes on completion

Closes the command without further execution.

Video Demonstration

The following video shows how to utilize the Surface Intersection Linestring command

Use Case Videos

The following videos show the use of the Surface Intersection Linestring command in a work process context

Feedback and Enhancement Requests

If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the Surface Intersection Linestring command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please Click Here