Would it be possible to create a align command similar to civil 3d
- Select the objects that you want to align.
- Specify either one, two, or three source points and then the corresponding first, second, or third destination points. The first point is called the base point.
- The selected objects are moved from the source point to the destination point, and second and third points, if you specify them, rotate, and tilt the selected objects.

For what purpose? Understand why AutoCAD may need this - what is your use case for this?
It would help to speed up the process of aligning 3d model with various shape sizes/scales for IFC / SKP files. Basically, Georeference external model almost like the image georeferences command.
Typically we need to copy each octagonal base to a new location and rotate around two know points.
Also, it would be helpful when aligning xrefs / linework from the architect who generally work on a different scale and local grids
This is then export out to site vision
So for 2D moves, rotates and scales doesn’t the Move, rotate, scale command do what you need to move an imported IFC object into the correct position - that is meant to work with IFC objects in order to georeference them.
Can you send me the IFC wind turbine and I will take a look at how to do this - we are supposed to be able to move IFCs into the correct positions for both Sitevision and Access so I think it is possible - I just have not done it personally
Hi Alan
I’ve sent you a copy of the IFC via trimble connect
I found this video how to do it
But i would also like an option to copy the ifc model to another location many time quickly
Each location has a different rotation
Many Thanks
The Transform by points does this on an IFC file once that you have created copies of the turbines - it will require that you have two points on the source object and the same two points defined for the destination location, so in this example if you have the position of the plinth (the hexagonal base) for the target location then you can click two points on the base of the plinth and then two points on the target hexagon and if you need to move it in 3D select 3D move and then it will also move it in 3D .
The only thing that TBC does not allow you to do are 3D rotations - so you can only rotate about the Z axis, it wont compute a 3D transformation with rotations around the X and Y axes to rotate objects into different orientations.
So you can use the Copy command to make copies of the the IFC Shell Object(s) multiple times or you can use the RPS Matrix Copy Command to create an array of the objects
You can use the Move Command to move them in 2D or 3D
You can use the Rotate Command to Rotate them about the Z axes
You can use the Scale command to scale them if needed
You can use the Transform command to Move, Rotate and Scale each one into position
You can use the Transform by Points Command to move, rotate and scale them into position using two point pairs (rotation about the Z axis).
If you need any of the linework from one of the IFC shells you can use the RPS Explode IFC Shell to do that - use the include all setting for the Filter Faces option so that you get all of the linework for this type of object. From the exploded object you can determine e.g. the center of the object for movement and placement and rotation etc. and also to create the shape of the plinth that you may want to copy and rotate into position to give you the transformation locations
This video captures these processes, you can then export the IFC Shell objects for use in SiteVision
I will look into a couple of issues here for this workflow
The IFCShell Object Copies that you make cannot be exported to IFC files for use in SiteVision from TBC. The current implementation in TBC requires that the IFC objects to be exported came into TBC from an IFC file / model. Any copies that you make in this work process are not in that source model and are restricted from being output by the IFC exporter. I will see if we can write extra objects into the source IFC model to enable this. I guess that the Geospatial team expected you to import an object, georeference the object and then reexport the object. So to get the 3D objects into SiteVision currently you will need to explode them into linework and then export that as VCL or DWG for SiteVision I think.
The Copy command and the associated commands like Move, Transform, Transform by points etc. are not that efficient for multicopying to multiple locations and or changing elevations (use deltas not absolutes) and I think we could improve that in a Multicopy command - will see what we can do
Thank Alan for the great tip
Following on from moving and aligning, would it be possible to have a function where:
- A moved object could be aligned to another object by simply moving the cursor close to the reference object and pressing a short cut key (Ctrl+Tab for example).
- While moving an object have an option to rotate by a user defined amount (1 degree as an example), by pressing Page Up (clockwise) or Page Down (anti clockwise).
The Transform command is similar except there is no dragging option.
For example: when loading blocks or aligning objects to a road edge (light poles manholes etc) the rotate command is slow, as I have to measure 3 points to calculate the angle that the object needs to rotate, this becomes cumbersome when there are multiple objects that need to be moved.
Try out our Place Aligned Blocks command - that is great at placing blocks relative to an alignment - let me know if that helps
Thanks Alan
For placing blocks its fine, sometimes we need to move and rotate objects such as lines and groups of selected objects. a single function like the “Move” command except it will have the ability to rotate the object by a given amount, or automatically rotate to the same bearing as a chosen line.