Another CAD Section Conversion Example - TX DOT - DGN - Multiple Style

Here is another example Cross Section Conversion Process Video.

In this example the sections file is a DGN file from Texas DOT, the sections are of type multiple, they include some bridges and structures and can be flipped in less than 15 minutes once you know how. With a bit of extra data prep up front to explode some of the shapes for the pavement - you can create nicely separated layers for Pavement surface and area computations once the sections have been converted.

The basic processes to use for preparing the data are nearly always the same. The nuances of the data are where the issues come and in this example there were none - they were very straight forward to work with.

As always - if you are trying to process some sections and have any issues - if you have an RPS Support Contract then we can assist you to work out what you are doing wrong. Send us the data file and we can typically process some or all of the sections depending on the file and record you a video like this one to show you how to work the data that you have into a 3D model.

It takes time to learn all the nuances but we can see them quickly (most times) and tell you what you need to do.

Time to find another set of sections to flip … (where have I heard that before?)