Trimble Business Center LandXML output allows you to send
- The Triangles Only
- The Points, Breaklines and Boundaries as Surface Source Data
- Optimize for Data (This chooses one of the first 2 options based on what is selected for conversion)
Web File Flipper
If you create a Single LandXML with Source Data Only (Points, Breaklines, Boundaries) plus Alignment in it then the Web File Flipper will create a surface from the Source Data and triangulate it and then it will allow you to Select the Alignment and then add Linework and Site Map (Design Linework) using two slide button controls. The output will be an SVD/SVL or DSZ file that contains the Surface, the Alignment and the Linework (2D). I dont personally understand the difference between Linework and Site Map in this case as Linework only generates the Alignment so this would seem to be doubling up the options unnecessarily.
PC File Flipper
If you create a Single LandXML with Source Data Only (Points, Breaklines, Boundaries) in it then the PC File Flipper will ask you what to create from the selected data file - the options are
- Surface
- Road
- Linestring
In this case Surface means a TIN Model
In this case Road means a TIN Model and Alignment
In this case Linestring means create Design Linework i.e. a Site Map (using Web Flipper Terminology)