Sometimes when you build corridor models using surface instructions you can get gaps between sections created in the model - the Questions that come out of this are When do they happen?, Why do they happen, and How do I fix them.
They happen when the corridor sections get split into 2 or more parts at the points where e.g. you go from a single part to two parts or from 2 parts back to one part. They will happen when you go from 2 to 3 or 3 to 2 parts etc. also.
The key to “solving them” is to mitigate the size of the gap that is created - the size of the gap is basically dictated by the intervals created between the sections caused by the corridor sampling interval, template drops or the locations of drops generated by tables in instructions that trigger additional section drops in the model.
Mitigation can be managed in the following ways
- Use Define Extra Stations command to add extra section drops in the model either side of the point at which the corridor splits from 1 to 2 or from 2 to one section elements
- Use additional templates to create reference templates around the area of concern and increase the sampling interval between them using the template properties to set the interval to an override interval like 1 foot or 0.5m etc. to minimize the gap between sections
- To change the interval for the corridor so it computes at tighter intervals - especially through the areas of concern
The improved surfaces will then have minimized gaps that will have negligible effects on your volume or mass haul calculations. Video shows you how, why and where to apply.