Create XLINES Command

D_CreateXLines_600ppi   Create XLines

Command Licensing and Default Menu Location

  • The Create XLines command is part of the RPS Modeling Toolbox
  • The command is located on the Modeling Toolbox menu ribbon
  • The command is located in the Corridor menu group

##Last Updated
August 2022 - Command dialog was updated to latest user interface standards to make the command easier to use, and to provide access to latest interface controls including layer list filters, group expand / shrink controls, Command Tips etc.

Command Description

Generates section lines (XLines) and labels at defined locations along an alignment or corridor (Corridor Intervals, Extra Stations, Typical Section locations, Slope Change locations, Width Change locations, crossing infrastructure (Utilities, Culverts etc.) for the purposes of annotating models and drawings

Command Interface Description

The Create XLines command dialog looks as follows

Corridor or alignment:
Select the object that you wish to apply XLines to from the pull down list of Alignment and Corridor Models in the project. When you select a corridor you will be provided additional corridor only options for labeling purposes. Note, we recommend that you name your alignments and corridor models differently so that you can easily identify them in the presented list.

From station / To station:
The default behavior of the command is to apply XLines over the entire length of the Alignment or Corridor. If you only wish to create XLines over a portion of the Alignment or Corridor, you can select a From station and To station to limit the XLines being created. For example if you are are labeling a bridge structure only.

In this section you can define the following parameters for the XLines

  • XLine length (left) - Enter a negative value if to the left of the alignment
  • XLine length (right) - Enter a positive value if to the right of the alignment
  • XLine layer - Select the Layer on which to draw the XLines. You can create a New layer if needed by clicking the button and enter the layer name and layer default settings. You can also create a new Layer Group from this dialog.



Note that you can enter a positive value or negative value for both of the left and right side offset values if you w1sh to create XLines to the left side or right side only of the alignment.

Use case tip:
We recommend that you create the layers, layer groups, text styles in your project template so that you can simply select them here in the command to save time.

Create 3D lines and labels checkbox:
The XLines and Labels can be placed at an undefined elevation or at an elevation related to the vertical alignment of the alignment or corridor. Once checked you can enter a value for the Elevation Offset to the alignment. Typically enter a value of 0 or maybe a value just above centerline e.g. +1 foot or 0.1m etc.

Station Labels:
Draw station labels checkbox:
If you want to label the XLines, check this checkbox and provide the label details.

XLine labels layer:
Select the layer on which you wish to place the XLine labels. You can create a New layer by clicking the [New …] button and filling out the layer name and layer default settings as required. You can also create a new Layer Group from the Create new layer dialog if needed.

Text style:
Select the text style that you want to use for the labeling process. The following rules apply here

  1. If you select a text style that has Left justification then the labels will be drawn on the right hand side of the XLine.
  2. If you select a text style that has Center justification then the labels will be drawn at the center of the XLine
  3. If you select a text style that has Right justification then the labels will be drawn on the left hand side of the XLine

We recommend that you create text styles in your project template that are suited for these purposes, that are named appropriately e.g. XLine - Left, XLine - Right and XLine - Center etc. that use the font, text height, Autoflip etc. settings that you require for the labeling process.

Station locations:
In this section you get to control which XLines will be created, you can create additional locations if needed. The selection options displayed will depend on whether you selected an Alignment or a Corridor model in the Corridor or alignment selection area of the dialog. A corridor model has the additional options of Template locations and Table locations that are not available on an alignment.

Interval checkbox:
If you require regular interval locations, check the Interval checkbox and enter the Interval value that you require e.g. every 20m or 50’.

Align interval with start station checkbox:
If you check this checkbox, then the interval definition e.g. 20m / 25’ will be computed from the start station that you select for the XLINES i.e. if your start location was 28.65 and you select 20’ intervals then you will get XLINES at 28.65, 48.65, 68.65 etc. all the way to the end station.

HAL points checkbox:
If you require XLines at each of the HAL points (start and end of each geometrical segment (Line, Arc, Spiral) check this checkbox. Currently these are unnamed, there will be a v2 of this command shortly where they will be named using the Abbreviations for HAL points (Project Settings - Abbreviations).

VAL points checkbox:
If you require XLines at each of the VAL points (start and end of each geometrical segment (Line, Symmetrical Curve, Asymmetrical Curve, Vertical Arc) check this checkbox. Note that this option does not currently label the PI points or High (Crest) / Low (Sag) points of a vertical alignment. Currently these are unnamed, there will be a v2 of this command shortly where they will be named using the Abbreviations for VAL points (Project Settings - Abbreviations) and we will add the VPI, Crest and Sag points…

Template locations checkbox:
If you have a corridor selected, you can elect to drop XLines at each of the Template locations for the corridor. Currently these locations are unnamed, the v2 version of this command will add the Template Name with a prefix TMP - Name.

Table locations checkbox:
If you have a corridor selected, you can elect to drop XLines at all Table locations defined in the corridor. Currently, these locations are unnamed, the v2 version of this command will add the name “Table” to these XLines.

Extra locations checkbox:
If you have defined extra stations on the alignment (using the Define Extra Stations command), then these will be added to the XLine locations when this checkbox is checked. In addition, you can add more XLine locations in this section as required for additional locations like Typical Sections, Slope or width changes (for use in Create Vertical Design command), Pipe or Culvert Crossing Locations, Bridge / Structure start and end etc…

Additional XLines:
Enter the Station where you want the Extra XLines, and enter a Label i.e. Name for the XLine and click Add to create the extra locations.

Copy and Paste from Excel
If you have tabulated the extra locations in e.g. Microsoft Excel, you can copy and paste them into the table shown below in the dialog. Once pasted, you can sort the table by clicking in the column headers, allowing you to sort by Label or by Station. The order of the data in Excel does not have to be incrementing stations, the paste will sort the data and merge it with any other extra locations already defined.

To be able to paste copied values into the table, at least one data line must exist first in the Additional XLines table.

Split Label checkbox:
The default behavior of the XLine labeling is to concatenate the Name and Station into a single line text string. If you wish to split the Name and Station onto two lines of text, check this checkbox.

Use Case Tips
If you wish to place the different types of XLines on different layers, you can select only certain types of XLine and assign the XLine layer to suit that type only, and then run a second or subsequent process to place the different XLines on different layers and then use the ByLayer setting to control the color, lineweight etc. of the XLines to meet your requirements.

The planned v2 of the command will provide the ability to create XLine types and define Layers and colors for those types more easily.

When you tap apply, the XLines and optional labels will be created and the command will ready itself for another selection set and repeat process execution. If you do not want to make a second selection and repeat the process tap Close to finish the process.

Closes the command without further execution.

If you create XLines that you then need to adjust, select Undo to remove the XLines, make your adjustments to the values you wish to change and then click Apply to recreate the XLines.

Video Demonstration

The following video shows how to utilize the Create XLines command

Create XLINES v1.01 Update - Station Intervals From a Random Start Station

Use Case Videos

The following videos show the use of the Create XLines command in a work process context

How to use the Create XLines Command to compute building layout information


Feedback and Enhancement Requests

If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the Create XLines command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please Click Here