Creating A Detailed Pond Profile Drawing

I was asked on Friday to assist a user to create Pond Profile drawings for a work in progress flight survey that they had carried out on a project. They had a clear view of what they wanted in the profile drawings including

  1. A baseline in the plan view that shows where the profile drawing was created. They wanted that marked with e.g. an A at either end to create Profile AA, and then B for BB etc.
  2. They wanted the profile to show the Design Surface, the Flight Surface and to color shade the Cut / Fill areas between the two in Red and Blue shades
  3. They wanted to show the Elevation line at the top of the pond berm as well as a High Water Line for the pond and they wanted the water area shaded in a pale blue
  4. They wanted to annotate the profile with labels and elevations
  5. They wanted to exaggerate the profiles by 2:1
  6. They wanted a grid in the profile drawing
  7. They had an example profile that they were trying to replicate so we used that as the basis of the profile drawing creation

This was the type of output that they were looking for

We created a Block for the Profile Label - you can download that here and then use Block Edit View to adjust it for your needs.

Profile Drawing Label.dwg (13.6 KB)

Video shows you how