Cut Fill Labels Command

D_CutFillLabels_600ppi    Cut Fill Labels

Command Licensing and Default Menu Location

  • The Cut Fill Labels command is part of the RPS Modeling Toolbox
  • The command is located on the Modeling Toolbox menu ribbon
  • The command is located in the Surface / Volumes menu group

Command Description

Creates additional Cut Fill Labels on a cut fill map in user defined spot locations or along linear features defined in the project.

The command has been updated to fully support Reference Surfaces introduced in TBC v5.60

*** ## Command Interface Description

The Cut Fill Labels command dialog looks as follows

Command Prerequisites:
The command requires the use of a Cut Fill map that has been created in the project between two surface models. Create the cut fill map prior to use of this command. The command utilizes the text style settings of the cut fill map to label the points and lines selected.

Source cut / fill map:
Select the cut fill map to which you want to add additional labels. The original cut fill map will have been labeled at e.g. a 50’ grid. This command allows you to add additional labels at spot locations or along linear features in the project.

Select the layer on which you wish to place the additional cut fill labels. The labels will include a point symbol if you are running TBC v5.4 or higher.

Select how you want to label the cut fill locations. The options include

  • Text Only - this will place a cut fill label only at the selected locations.
  • Point and text - this will place a 3D point at the location and a cut fill label. Note that the point will have a symbol also if you are running TBC v5.4 or higher. Point symbols are disabled in earlier versions of TBC.

If you elect to create Point and text above, the point can be elevated using one of the following options

  • Surface: CF Map - this will elevate the point to the cut or fill value of the Cut Fill map.
  • Surface: Surface 1 - This will elevate the point to the elevation of surface 1 of the 2 surfaces used to create the cut fill map (e.g. Original Ground)
  • Surface: Surface 2 - This will elevate the point to the elevation of surface 2 of the 2 surfaces used to create the cut fill map (e.g. Finished Grade)
  • None - this will make the point a 2D point (i.e. it will have an undefined elevation)

The Surface 1 and Surface 2 selections now support the use of Reference Surfaces introduced in TBC v5.60.

You can choose to place additional cut fill labels at spot locations on the drawing or at line nodes along linear features of the project or both.

You can use the snap modes or free snap to place cut fill labels one at a time at key locations on the drawing by selecting this radio button. The text style used for the labels is defined by the Cut Fill map that you selected. The Cut Fill map defines the text style and the Project Settings - Computations - Surface - Grid Label Settings control the text colors and the above / below grade tolerances that define the “On Grade” elevation range for the cut fill map.

Line nodes:
You can select line features one at a time that you wish to label. Select a line that you wish to label. The “sticky button” at the end of the select control, when deselected (default behavior) allows you to preview the result of the selection and settings prior to tapping the Apply button to commit the results to the project. This is helpful to get the cut fill labels spaced as you want them and also oriented to the line as you need them. Tis control unfortunately cannot preview the “Auto Flip” or “Whiteout” settings of the text style so it it provides an indication of the final result for positioning and orientation purposes only. If you enable the sticky button by clicking it (it will turn orange) then no preview is provided and the labels are automatically created in the project when a line is selected.

When you select a line feature, the direction of the line controls the orientation of the text, you can show the line direction by clicking the Show line direction checkbox.

Minimum distance between labels:
The default behavior of the line labeling function is to label all nodes of the selected line. This can create lot of text overwrite in some situations. If you wish to filter the number of labels generated, you can set a minimum distance between labels using the slider control or by entering a value in the slider numerical value entry field. If you click on the slider control you can use the Left and Right arrow keys to increase of decrease the displayed value in increments of 1.

Text rotation:
When labeling spot locations, the default orientation of the additional labels will be the same as the source cut fill map. You can override that using the Text rotation slider or numerical entry field. The value selected or entered here will be an additional rotation to the default orientation of the text in the cut fill map. If you want the text orientation to match that of the cut fill map enter 0. If you want to skew the text labels that you are adding to the cut fill map enter a rotation value that will get added to or subtracted from the default text rotation of the cut fill map. If you click on the slider and then use the left and right arrow keys, the rotation angle will increase / decrease in steps of 5 degrees from the currently displayed value.

When labeling linear features, the default orientation of the line labels is that of the line direction at each node of the line. If you wish to label linear features e.g. perpendicular to the line then you can use a rotation angle of +/- 90 degrees. You can enter any rotation angle value if you wish to skew the text to the linear feature by a defined value e.g. 30 degrees. +90 degrees will draw the text to the right of the line and -90 degrees to the left of the line.

When you tap apply, the preview text for the linear feature labels will be placed if you have the preview mode enabled. For coordinate locations and for linear feature labels where the sticky button is enables, the labels will be created automatically and the Apply button will not be used.

Executes the command and closes on completion. This will apply any linear node label preview that is visible at the time of pressing OK.

Closes the command without further execution.

Video Demonstration

The following video shows how to utilize the Cut Fill Labels command

Use Case Videos

The following videos show the use of the Cut Fill Labels command in a work process context

Feedback and Enhancement Requests

If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the Cut Fill Labels command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please post a “reply” below