Increment Text Command

D_IncrementText_600ppi   Increment Text

Command Licensing and Default Menu Location

  • The Increment Text command is part of the RPS Modeling Toolbox
  • The command is located on the Modeling macros menu ribbon
  • The command is located in the Sections menu group

Command Description

This command creates text that automatically increments between each text placement e.g. for labeling pads, parking bays or for adding station labels to PDF cross sections that have no text to use for section conversion.

Command Interface Description

The Increment Text command dialog looks as follows

Text style:
Select an appropriate text style for the text that you will be placing. For Station Labels on cross sections, you will likely need a center top or center bottom justified text, whereas for Pad Numbers or Parking Bay Numbers you may want a text style with center center justification. If you are placing the text in the sheet view, then you should have a text style defined in sheet units with an appropriate height value.

Select the layer on which you wish to place the created text items. It is often helpful to have specific layers defined in your project template on which to place this type of data

Template text:
If you need to have prefix or suffix text in addition to the incrementing numerical values e.g. STA: or Pad # or Bay # etc. you can add it here. the { } can also house the number of decimals that you wish to use with the text values e.g. {2} for 2 decimal places. Leave it set to {} if you want no decimal places.

Input the increment that you wish to add to the start value on each text placement. e.g. If you are placing station labels that start at 10800 and increment by 20 each section, then enter 20 here. If you are placing pad numbers that increment by 1 each pad, then enter 1 here.

Computed value:
For the first value leave this blank and only enter a Current Value, after the first value has been created, this field will auto populate with the next computed value based on the increment you specified. Note that the computed value will be the next whole increment based on the increment value that you entered i.e. If you create an override value of e.g. 11968 and have an increment of 20 then the next computed value will be 11980 allowing you to easily get back to the increment sequence after a random value entry.

Current value:
On the first location enter the start value for the sequence. This is the value that will be placed on the first or subsequent text placement. On the second text placement the current value and computed value will be the same. The current value can be overridden if you get a value out of sequence. Simply click in this field and enter the value required. On text placement, the sequence will return to the next logical number in the sequence. For example if I start at 10800 and increment in 20 intervals but after 10860 the next value is 10868, then after creating 10868, the sequence will return to 10880 as that is the most logical next value based on the information provided.

User Notes:

You can use the Enter key as the [Apply] button for two handed operation.

You will likely need to enable the appropriate Snap modes so that you can click and select the appropriate locations for the text items e.g. Station Labels will be placed at the Top or Bottom of the Center Offset Grid Line.

*You will likely want to create a Text Style specifically for the placement of the Text Type you are creating that has an appropriate height and justification setting e.g. Station Labels will typically be Top Middle or Bottom Middle Justified, Lot Numbers or Parking Bay Numbers will likely be Center Center justified etc. *

Double clicking the last created text item will allow you to override the next computed value with a new value of your own. After a custom value, the command will revert to the normal computation sequence of values.

When you tap apply, the computed text will be placed and the next text value will be determined be prepared for the next text placement location. If you do not want to create another text item, tap Close to finish the process.

Closes the command without further execution.

Video Demonstration

The following video shows how to utilize the Increment Text command

Use Case Videos

The following videos show the use of the Increment Text command in a work process context

Feedback and Enhancement Requests

If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the Increment Text command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please Click Here