Trimble Connected Community (TCC) / RPS Earthworks has a variety of controls that allow you to manage which users have the ability to create, manage, edit, or view information.
The TCC platform controls the access to the TCC and RPS Earthworks system. Users are created to allow people to access the system. The user is given a username and password and they belong to the account or organization that owns the TCC / RPS Earthworks system. Once the user is logged into the system, what they can do is controlled by either TCC permissions or RPS Earthworks Role Types.
TCC Permissions
TCC permissions are divided into two areas. The first area are termed roles. Roles provide a user with the following opportunities if enabled on their account by the TCC administrator.
- Organization Administrator
- Add Members
- Edit Members
- Delete Members
- Manage Groups
- Create Filespaces
- Manage Filespaces
- Manage Devices
- Manage GNSS Base Stations
The roles are fairly self explanatory
The second set of controls provide the ability to View, Edit, Owner of specific elements of the system. For example a filespace will have permissions that controls who can access the filespace and if they can access it what the user can do.
- A viewer can view the files and folders on a filespace and download files from the filespace but cannot upload, rename or delete files on the filespace.
- An editor can view, upload, download, delete and rename files or folders in a filespace
- An owner can manage who has access to the filespace i.e. grant permissions or revoke permissions to access a filespace. An owner also has full editing and viewing controls on the filespace. An owner however cannot rename or delete the filespace.
- In order to rename or delete a filespace a user must have the role to manage filespaces in addition to being the filespace owner.
- In order to create a new filespace, a user requires the Create Filespace role assigned to their account.
These types of permissions are applied to TCC elements like Filespaces and Groups.
The RPS Earthworks application is a TCC hosted application. We have identified a number of user roles that will interact with the RPS Earthworks application.
- Earthworks System Admin
- Project Manager
- Engineer
- Work Supervisor
- Project Viewer
These levels / roles of user are managed using TCC Groups. The Groups are all named using this naming convention
Users are first setup and then users are assigned to the above group(s). A user can be assigned to more than one group, however they should be assigned to the highest level group to provide them the access that they require.
These groups can be managed in the Earthworks application from the menu button and selecting the option Assign project roles and permissions. From that menu item there is a series of sub menu items as follows
- Admin (Can do anything)
- Project Manager (Can do anything in RPS Earthworks or TBC)
- Engineer (Manages TBC content from inside the TBC application)
- Work Supervisor (Manages Work Orders on the RPS Earthworks Applications)
- Project Viewer (View All - Change Nothing)
All of these options operate the same way. select the Group that you wish to edit or change and click the option on the menu
To add a User, Group or Device to the Group selected, select the appropriate Tab on the right side of the screen, find the users, devices or groups that you want to assign the group membership to and click the check box beside the entries. This will add the user to the list in the Define Group Members pane.
To remove a member, device or group from the Group, select the entry in the Define Group Members pane and click the delete icon associated with the entry.
Do not change these Group Names as they are hard coded in the RPS Earthworks System to have a specific use and purpose. Do not delete these Groups unless you fully understand the consequences of doing so.
You can change the description for the group as you see fit for your purposes.
After making changes, press the save button in the Top Right or Lower Left of the screen to save your changes.
To cancel press the X in the top right corner or the Cancel button in the lower left corner.
Use Case Notes:
Note that when you select one of these options, it opens the manager dialog in a new browser pane. When you have completed making your changes, simply close the browser pane to return to the RPS Earthworks application. The alternative is to click the button, select Earthworks and then start over with your next set of changes - however by doing this you are stacking up many browser panes unnecessarily.
RPS Earthworks Project and Work Order Level Access
The following lists the available processes by Group Type.
In addition the following information applies to other areas of the RPS Earthworks System
Who can create and organize Map Layers
- Earthworks System Admin
- Project Manager
- Engineer
Who can interact with Map Layers
- Earthworks System Admin
- Project Manager
- Engineer
- Work Supervisors
- Project Viewer