RPS Earthworks - Work Order Burndown Chart
The Work Order Burndown chart shows the volume change over time for the work order. The chart has time on the X axis and volumes on the Y axis. The volume at Time 0 is the target volumes for the task. The volume will reduce to zero over time as the work order is executed. The burndown shows the schedule line for the task, so that the actual volumes moved can be directly compared to the schedule. If the volume remaining is higher than the schedule line then the chart will be red, if it is close to the line (above) it will turn orange and if it is on the line or below the line the chart will be green.
In both of the images above, the burndown is being computed only from survey surfaces loaded into the system that are dated and timed within the work order time span and that fall within the work order boundary. Because the survey surfaces happen periodically, this generates the step effect in the burndown chart. If the burndown is being determined from machine generated data, collected gradually over time, you would expect to see a more gradual change in the volumes over time. The survey surfaces, when they are mixed in with the machine data should really be a confirmation of what the machine data is telling you at a snapshot in time.