Simple way to label elevation diff / offset to a line

Is there an easy way to label a point with an elevation difference and offset to a line without having to convert the line to an alignment (or surface) and running a Chainage - offset - elevation report. Case in question is an asconstructed survey along the edge of a concrete plinth. I want to label the surveyed points relative to the edges of the design concrete lines. I was hoping to do it with Smart text but simple maths cannot be applied between 2 text codes.

Any suggestions?

Peter was wrapping up your Permit Areas stuff today and will try to create you a “quick and dirty” tml for this asap - hope to get you something by early next week

There is no way to do this other than convert to an alignment or a surface as you have found - we will write a dedicated labeling routine to address this


Awesome thanks Alan. I think it will be a very useful TML for marking up a quick asconstructed plan for structures.
