I had a question today on how you can use the Overexcavation function in TBC Takeoff. The user wanted to know if you could overex a larger area than the building pads and whether you could overex multiple areas on a site in one pass. They also asked if you could
- Overex to a specified depth below subgrade - Yes
- Overex at an offset eg 5’ outside one or more building pads - Yes to multiple or single pads
- Overex to a specified strata surface - Yes
- Overex to a minimum depth below existing regardless of how deep that means going e.g. Remove at least 1’ below OG - Yes
- Overex to a minimum depth below a defined strata - I think that you can fake this to work by making the strata surface the OG temporarily - however I need to play about with that some to see if I can get that to work
You can also use the Merge Surfaces command to Merge two surfaces like Subgrade Adjusted FG and Overex to create the lowest excavation surface that you can use with your MC systems
Video shows you how