Adding commands to your TBC Ribbon

We often get the question on how to add a command to a TBC Menu Ribbon. Rockpile has a simplified menu ribbon that we provide for paid subscribers to help you with a simplified left to right workflow that helps make takeoff & modeling quick and easy to use. A lot of users would like to design / build their own. Here are a few steps on how to add a command to the ribbon you use.

  1. Go to the Support Menu

  2. Select Customize Ribbon

  3. On the right side of the dialog, find the menu that you want to add the command to e.g. Data Prep and then double click on it to expand the tree view

  4. Find the command group that you want to add the command to and hit the [+} next to it to expand it

  5. On the left side of the dialog, find the command that you want to add to the menu in the command list

  6. Drag and drop the required command where you want to place it on the menu

  7. Once placed, click the pen icon to the right of the command in the list

  8. In the dialog that pops up you can choose the text for the command on the menu and the size of the icon on the menu
    eg set Preferred Size to Normal (small) or Large (Large icon) - if you leave them as default then the menu will have a mix of large and small icons and they may take more or less room than needed. Typically Large icons are best, the Normal ones are OK when in stacks of 3 commands in the menu.

  9. Once you are happy with the change(s) you can say OK and then if you want to save the updated menu click Export and save the menu file as an external file that you can recall later if needed - I store mine in a \TBC\Menus\ folder of My Documents so I always have it. The menu file holds the Menus, Toolbars, Custom Toolbars and Shortcuts in one file. The menu can be reloaded by clicking Import and browsing for the file etc.

Hope this helps!

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