Would it be possible to create a Bulk Export Command which could export data out into various formats? (even if it had to run overnight)
This would be a great tool for month-end when we got to issue models for a QA record, in various formats, to different users.
Folders Like : Designer, Subcontractor, GIS , Stakeholder, Google Earth; Measure; Site Vision, Machine Control, etc
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You are referring to exporting several different file formats at once? How many different formats do you usually have to export?
Quite a few (this changes from project to project…typical we have 3 day to process all survey, volumes and write all the report & attach all the files / output pdf drawing)
Time is general against us, would be great if we could run this overnight with some kind of scheduling automation
Update of Existing Ground Model For the Designer (.12d)
Update of Existing Ground Model For the Client (.dwg & .kmz)
Update of Existing Ground Model For the Subcontractor (.ttm & xml)
Progress Survey Site Clearance of Design Model For the Designer (.12d)
Progress Survey Site Clearance of Design Model For the Client (.dwg & .kmz)
Progress Survey Site Clearance of Design Model For the Subcontractor (.ttm & xml)
Progress Survey Bulk Excavation of Design Model For the Designer (.12d)
Progress Survey Bulk Excavation of Design Model For the Client (.dwg & .kmz)
Progress Survey Bulk Excavation of Design Model For the Subcontractor (.ttm & xml)
Update Design Model Site Vison (various)
Update Trimble Stratus File Design & Existing Merged (.ttm)
Update IFC Model Site Vison (various)
Update machine Control File (various)
Something like this with a prefix & suffix around the name (so the date can be changed quickly on a large list)
How does the function know which data is needed for each export - surfaces I guess are relatively easy and that would cover corridor surfaces, but when you say DWG or DXF or 12D or KML etc. That means points, lines, text, polygons on many layers typically so how does the tool know all of that - and that will change every month as you add more and more data.
While possible this type of tool will likely take a huge amount of resources to build and even just to scope out how all the data selections would be made in order to generate all of the outputs- I would assume that we can use all existing export functions behind the scenes to generate the outputs needed so we would be creating the structure and batch processor to deliver the tool primarily
How much is this worth to you I guess is the question and are there others out there that want this - please contribute
I would imagine that something like this would be a 2-3 man month project costing us $30k at least to build it - so if you can gage that internally then we can look into it - if many people want it then it makes it easier for us to spread the cost- but this is the first request I have had for such a tool
I can see the need for sure on big projects, but it is a pretty custom tool requirement
Hey Alan
Thanks for the reply, I should be able to do something on my next project, as we will have a development budget.
We are also looking at FME Desktop for converting data, which might over come this obstacle