Create Cad from Cross Sections - Doesn't recognize plan sets as inches

I was creating cad from cross sections using the no grid mode. This works pretty well but one “bug” I noticed is that I need to multiple by 12 in order for the scale to be correct because TBC was not recognizing that sheet set view was in inches and that I was trying to convert to feet for plan view.

Is this considered a bug and worth highlighting?

This is a TBC thing Pat - not really a bug

The command was written to do CAD Sections to 3D. We then added Sheet Sections to 3D. The Sheet View is in Sheet units (inches) vs the Plan View in Ground Units. The conversion scale is to convert the measured distance in the section to ground units. So in the Sheet View if 1" = 10’ (120") then the scale is 120, whereas in the Plan view 1’ = 1’ then the scale is 1 etc.

While the software command could use the knowledge that the data is in Sheet view and that it is likely in inches, there are some times issues with that as follows

TBC has a thing called a point tolerance. The point tolerance is how close two things need to be before they are considered the same. The point tolerance was designed for the plan view where everything is in ground units. However the point tolerance is also used in Sheet View. Where two nodes on a line are within point tolerance of each other one of the nodes is thrown away in numerous processes. The challenge with this is that a small Ground Unit in Plan View distance is a very small distance in Sheet Units. The imported vector data in sheet view may have the 2 nodes however when processed eg converting to 3D CAD - the two nodes can become one and give a different outcome to what you expect. In these situations it is sometimes necessary to scale up the Sheet View Data to Full size so that the nodes are once again separated by > point tolerance so that on conversion they are not lost. In this case the scale may be 1 not 120 in the previous example.

While I do not do the scale up very often, I have had to use it on occasion so having a straight scale factor makes sense (but you do have to know it is there and required)
