Layer Groups for images/surfaces

Is there such a thing as sub groups in TBC? In the surfaces and georeferenced images groups I’ve got a mess of items, Is it even possible to organize these? They don’t show up in the layer group manager and it doesn’t appear you can change layers for these items. Say I’ve got a a bunch of plan sheets georeferenced, it would be nice to be able to organize these into sub groups for striping, landscaping etc.


As of now that a big no. If you would want them turned on at all times. An option for this would be to have multiple Filters. Have a filter for each group with those images turned on, that if you don’t mind toggling between filters.

At this time Images and Surfaces are just a list and there is no grouping of them by default in the View Filter Manager.

Images Management

You can however make a selection set out of them in Selection Explorer and then apply that selection set in a View Filter to either only show those Sheets (images) or hide all the images of the selected groups.

Surfaces Management

You can however make a selection set out of them and then apply that selection set in a View Filter to either only show those Surfaces (Surface and associated lines and points) or hide all the Surfaces (Surface and associated lines and points) of the selected selection sets.

While not a grouping in the View Filter Layer or Georeferenced images section it acts the same way by allowing you to simply Toggle things On and Off through the Selection Set manager in the View Filters,

Note that if you apply the Selection Sets in the View Filter that you need to have those layers that those objects are on visible - so when you make a selection set out of the objects you may also want to create a View Filter at the same time so that you know that the object layers are visible in the View Filter.

Hope that this helps


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Thanks for the tips Alan. I’ll have to try out the view filters sets. Would it be possible to request such a feature for TBC or would I need to do that through the Trimble forums (to be honest I’ve had poor results there and through Sitech).
