Modeling a Parabolic Ditch in a Corridor

In the video below we show a couple of different techniques to use to model out a Parabolic Ditch Section for a corridor model.

The first method shows how to use the Sideslope instruction with the sideslope being defined by a Slope by depth table - this allows you to add a series of nodes together which collectively form the sideslope and work out where the sideslope ties to ground. As cut or fill increases or decreases, more or less of the sideslope is formed.

The second method shows how to use the soon to be released Multi-Offset line command to create the ditch surface and then add that surface to the corridor model as a surface instruction to the finished grade model.

The third method simply adds a series of Offset / Elevation instructions to the corridor.

We also show how to compute the offset elevations or offset slopes for the nodes used to define the shape of the parabolic ditch and then tabulate in excel so that you can use them quickly in the corridor template or the multi offset line template editor.

Project Example
Parabolic Ditch 6 to 1 and 3 to 1.vce (1.0 MB)