Is there a way to change the order that volumes get reported with multiple boundaries? I got given a CAD file with irregular shaped boundaries for volume staging along an alignment but when I run volumes with them the order they are reported is quite random (I assume its based on the record ID number in the project database). Is there a way to “renumber” them so they get reported in a specified order?
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I have created a custom reports and name my boundaries accordingly. Then you can sort your table in word.
Yeah, that’s the route I went down as well but it still involves manipulating data multiple times after the fact. I am using the same boundaries for multiple volume calc’s so was just looking to speed it up.
Have you tried selecting them one at a time in the order that you want them reported? I thought that worked for what you are trying to do here.
Hi Alan
Just tried that but it still reports them in the same order as before. Looks like the custom report table is the best option.
Apologies - I thought that might work - you are right - it is reporting them based on Serial Number of the Boundary in the order that they were created.
I will take that into account when we look at running volumes at RPS
I’m running somewhat a similar type of project with quantities that needs to be reported from a given grid that are in irregular shapes as boundaries. And also I have to report on 0.5m depth intervals. This is for environmental reasons. This type of report I do on a monthly basis.
I’ve managed to get that going with a mix of TBC and Excel knowledge. Not optimal time wise but gets the job done. But I haven’t managed to get the order right.
It will be nice when the RPS team will concentrate on the volume and quantities side of TBC.
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Hi Alan
That would be great. Possibly an option to report according to
- Name
- Chainage on reference alignment
- Layer
Just putting it out there 
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