Point Detail Report
Command Licensing and Default Menu Location
- The Point Detail Report command is part of the RPS Modeling Toolbox
- The command is located on the Modeling toolbox menu ribbon
- The command is located in the Reports menu group
Command Description
Creates CSV output reports that open directly in Microsoft Excel (or the program selected to open CSV files) that report a selection of points and optionally compares them to a surface and or an alignment or feature line and can also report the points based on boundary lines. The report provides the ability to organize the columns of data and selection of which data items to report in which column from a large list of options. Report local and global coordinates, point IDs, Codes, Descriptions, survey and CAD attributes, stations, offsets, deltas, slopes and more. The report templates are stored centrally and can be used across all your projects and survive upgrade installations of Trimble Business Center.
Command Interface Description
The Point Detail Report command dialog looks as follows
Select points:
Select the points that you wish to report. Use the Options button for normal selection options (Advanced Select, Select by Layer etc.)
Report definition:
In this section you can select or create and define as many custom report layouts that you require for your projects. Each saved report definition is stored in the RPS Settings - a centralized location that is available to all of your projects, and is not disrupted by TBC installation updates.
Select the report definition that you wish to use from the pull down list of definitions.
Click the [Manage] button to create new or edit existing report definitions. The editor can also be accessed through the RPS Settings command in the Point Detail Report Settings area.
RPS Settings - Point Detail Report Settings:
Select a Report definition to edit or review from the pull down list of report definitions.
Use the following buttons to create, edit or delete report definitions.
Create a new report template
Edit the name of selected report template
Delete the selected report template
Report definition templates are saved automatically when you create a new template, change operation in the RPS Settings command. or exit the report definition function to return to the command.
To edit the fields of the currently chosen report definition, click the Edit Report Fields button.
Edit Report Fields:
The Report Fields Editor looks as follows
Available Fields List:
The available fields list provides access to all of the fields that can be used to create data columns in the CSV file report.
To add a field to the report select the field in the list and either Double Click it to add or use the button to move it to the Selected Fields list on the left side of the dialog. The field will be added below the highlighted item in the selected fields list.
To remove a field from the selected fields list double click the item or select the item and click the button to move it back into the available fields list.
To move a selected field up or down in the selected fields list use either the or buttons.
If you want to change the text used in the header of the CSV reports for each column, simply double click in the appropriate item in the Column Header list and edit the name to what you require for the report. The name changes are stored in the RPS Settings and will be applied to all report templates that use that same data value.
Click OK to save the changes made and return to the command.
Click Cancel to exit the editor without saving the changes made.
Report fields:
This area displays the list of values that have been chosen in the currently selected template to report to the CSV file output. The order of the list is the order which they will be written to the CSV file. If you are satisfied with the template you can select any of the optional reference fields (Reference surface, Reference line, Reference boundaries) and then click Apply to run the report.
Reference Options:
The selected points can be reported as points only or as points in reference to a reference Surface e.g. to report Cut / Fill values, a reference line e.g. to report Station and Offset values or to reference boundaries to list points with a reference to the boundary or boundaries in which they reside.
The reference surface, line or boundaries options of the command will be greyed out unless the Report definition includes report items that relate to a reference surface (e.g. Point Cut / Fill, Surface Slope, Surface Slope Direction or Surface Elevation etc.) a reference line (e.g. Station, Offset, Slope (Line to Point or Point to Line), Delta Z (Line to Point or Point to Line) or Line Elevation etc.) or a Boundary (Boundary Name).
Reference surface (optional):
Select the surface that you wish to use as the height reference for Cut/Fill or surface slope and direction values. This is an optional selection.
Reference line (optional):
Select the alignment or feature / CAD line that you wish to use for Station and Offset reference. The alignment or reference line can be 2D or 3D. Note that if 2D this will report slopes and delta elevations between the line and selected points as ? (undefined). This is an optional selection.
Show line direction toggle button:
Check this button next to the reference line selector if you wish to show the line direction indicators on the selected reference line.
Reference Boundaries (optional):
This field will be disabled unless the selected report definition file includes the Boundary field option. When the boundary field option is in the report definition, this field is enabled and allows you to select 1 or more boundary lines that
Select boundaries that you want to report in the output file. Each point listed will have the boundary in which it resides listed in the report. Note that if a single point resides inside more than one boundary, it will report all of the boundaries with which it is associated.
The boundaries can be any closed area line (first and last point are in the same place, AutoClose Flag = Yes, Boundary Object, Polylines, Linestrings, 2D or 3D)
File name:
Enter the file name for the csv file that will be created. The file can be saved to the project folder or anywhere on your computer or network as you prefer. Right click on this selection field to choose project folder or browse for location. Clicking the […] button will browse for the location and go to the last location used by the RPS browse function.
Click Apply to run the report
Executes the command, generates the report and closes on completion
Closes the command without further execution.
Video Demonstration
The following video shows how to utilize the Point Detail Report command
Use Case Videos
The following videos show the use of the Point Detail Report command in a work process context
Feedback and Enhancement Requests
If you would like to provide feedback on the use of the Point Detail Report command or to request enhancements or improvements to the command please use Reply below.