Hey Rockpilers
Those of you that have installed and run the new look TMLs and TML Status - we are interested to see how you like what we have done so far and to get any feedback on our progress on the TML Library.
For those of you that have not installed TML Status 3.0 - we recommend that you download and install TML Status and all of the TMLs ASAP - that gives you a lot of updates and improvements as well as the new menus, menu manager, the dark look menu and we hope a much improved user experience.
Let us know what you think
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I like the new look quite a lot. It seems much more polished, though there was really nothing wrong before. I really like the TMLs and use them everyday.
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New menu items look slick - I really like them
I like the new menu layouts. My only suggestions would be I think TMLStatus should be on the main macro tab so that it is still easily accessible when the other tabs are turned off and I liked the column that was in the old TML Status that showed whether each command is licensed or not.
New menu looks great and all of the new tml’s come in very handy.
The ability to hyperlink from TML status to the rockpile community forum to check out how to use a tml command is great, although if these hyperlinks could be made available outside of tml status that would be an improvement.
Lots of work has gone into the Rockpile community forum to explain the use of the various tmls which is very helpful.
Keep up the good work!
Peter Redway
You can access the hyperlink in the command as well by pressing F1 for help - that takes you there. They are also o. The website (www.rockpilesolutions.com) and also you can access them here o. The forum under RPS Commmand Library.
Thanks for the feedback - appreciated Peter
Like it a lot. I peaked at the dark mode a couple weeks ago and haven’t set it back.
Always knew you were likely to end up on the Dark Side Richard …
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I can just agree with the rest, i like it. Still a beginner with RPS macros but like it a lot.