When I do Site Improvements. I always just do the Add Surface Site Improvements to my already built surface. If I do the Categize, I can run a report for my take off material.
Is there no way of running a report for when you just drop MSI into a surface?
You can build subgrade surfaces for any material layer in any / all site improvements and then run surface to surface volumes to get the quantities between eg Finished Grade and Bottom of Concrete to get the qty of concrete in a model etc.
I was wanting to get a report so i can present what material thickness i used to do my stripping. I just went to the MSI manager and hand wrote those down. I will have to actually start using the categorize from now one. now if you could only use one (1) surface to create multiple subgrade surface. more of a different scenarios type of material subgrade surfaces. i am going back right now and doing a existing ground with only road strip and no top soil strip.
The Site Improvement Legend Command will give you a graphical Report that shows a Color Block for the Site Improvement applied and the materials in the Site Improvement and the Thicknesses of the materials in the Site Improvement.
I do this for every job as well as a cut/fill (ticks), then export as a .dwg and send it to people. I make them install DWG TrueView specifically to view these. Saves me a lot of time not drafting. Then if we get the job I usually end up drafting it.
I actually use DWG FastView. Took me months to find a free DXF viewer app. IF I can start doing the Categorize command, I would do the Validate Areas for a quick polygon with shading to export. I have now started the Cut/Fill labels to Google earth with linework. Lets everyone walk the project and view the cut/fill or pavement were they stand.
maybe RPS can make a command for polygons of our MSI instead of doing the Categorize route.
Like this @Francisco_Guerrero ?221018 CF-IMPROVEMENTS.dwg (820.6 KB)
just like that. here is what i do for the field. This is a KML link to google maps. this is great when you want to walk the project and see where things are at.