View Filters and Predefined Views

View Filters and Defined Views are typically heavily underused capabilities of the TBC software. In the video below we will show you how to set up and use View Filters for faster Project navigation and display / presentation purposes.

View Filters can also be defined in your Project Template using your predefined Layers and Layer Groups to make it easy / fast to show your Existing, Design, Cut Fill Maps and more. View Filters are also the key to creating drawing deliverables from TBC through use of TBC’s Dynaview function which can be controlled using View Filters to produce fast plotted / PDF output of different aspects of the project on the same drawing sheets.

The video also shows how to use the Defined Views functionality that provides a list of predefined views with thumbnails names that make it even easier to jump from not just View Filter to View Filter but also from location and zoom level to location and zoom level.

We will post more videos showing how to use View Filters over the coming weeks.